The history says,
Vaikathappan's rituals,festivals or any functions at the temple has
never been affected, stopped or postponed for any reason. The lord keeps
everyone in his control and make them calm when they are in that
Kharan, the demon upon receiving the advice from his Guru, went
to attain Moksham. He reached Chidambaram and immersed fully into deep
prayer to Lord Shiva. After months or years even of undisturbed prayer,
Lord Shiva was pleased and appeared in front of him.
Lord Shiva gave
whatever he asked and also gave three idols. The lord asked Kharan to
worship those powerful idols to attain Moksham. Kharan was satisfied
with that and also, Lord assured him that, He will be always present in
those idols.
Kharan returned to his place with three idols(Shivalingams)
one in his right hand, one on left and one under his neck with his chin
holding it. When he had crossed almost three by fourth, he felt tired
and decided to sit for a while.
After taking a short period of rest,
when Kharan tried to lift those idols, they were found to be not moving
from the places. Kharan understood Lord's intention and he heard from
his inner soul that could be the time for his Moksha and the three idols
should be taken care well by someone.
Maharshi Vyaghrapaada was
following Kharan all the way behind, saw him and Kharan asked the sage
to worship,take care of those three idols and attained Moksham. The idol
which was on Kharan's right hand is believed to be at Vaikom and the
left is at Ettumanoor temple.
Temple Timings:
5:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m and 4:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m
Temple Festivals:
Vaikathappan's festival
is in the month of Vruschikam which may fall as Nov-Dec according to
the english calendar. The twelve day long festival makes the small town
of Vaikom lit 24 hours with lights and alive.
believers trust that Lord Vaikathappan would never let any devotee to
sleep with an empty stomach. The Lord is known as Annadanaprabhu, who
loves to feed his worshippers even giving away from his own wealth. Lord
Vaikathappan's Vaikom Mahadevar Temple is situated at Vaikom,
Vaikom temple, Thaliyil Temple,Kaduthuruthi and Ettumanoor
Temple are considered as the most powerful Lord Shiva idols in Kerala. A
devotee who prays to all these lords before noon would get all his or
her wishes fulfilled for sure.The idol at Vaikom temple is very
old and the age of the idol dates back to Thretha Yugam.
Mahadeva Temple is situated in a land of eight acres. The inner shrine
has two chambers. To enter into one has to cross all the six steps
through the main entrance in the eastern side. The steps denotes, Kamam,
Krodham, Lobham, Moham, Madam and Matsaryam.
It is believed that, the
one who overcomes all those can only see Lord Vaikathappan. There is a huge lamp behind Lord Vaikathappan which is meant for Goddess Parvathi
and it is believed that, lighting the lamp(Purakil Vilakku) morning or
evening brings prosperity in one's life.
But, according to the sources,
the bookings for this offering has been listed till 2021 as of now. The
lamp in front of the Lord also is never put off, it will be always be
filled with oil for days and nights.
- Do pray Your Ishta Devata before Pilgrimage to temple
- Do Contact Temple Devasthanam information center for inquiry ,temple information and for pooja details etc.
- Do reserve your travel and accommodation at temple well in advance.
- Do bath and wear clean clothes before you enter the temple
- Do concentrate on God and Goddess inside the temple.
- Do maintain silence and recite your Istamantram to yourself inside the temple.
- Do observe ancient custom and traditions while in Temple.
- Do deposit your offerings in the hundi only
Don't s:
- Do not come to Temple for any Purpose other than worshiping of God and Goddess
- Do not smoke at Temple.
- Do not consume alcoholic drinks at Temple
- Do not Eat Non Vegetarian food in the Kshetram
- Do not approach mediators for quick Dharshanam. It may cause inconvenient to others
- Do not carry any weapon inside the temple
- Do not wear any head guards like helmets ,caps ,turbans and hats inside the temple premises