Vaishnavi Homam
Who is Goddess Vaishnavi?
Goddess Vaishnavi is one among the Ashta Matrikas. She came out from the body of Lord Vishnu, Maa Vaishnavi is symbolize as same as Lord Vishnu expect that she is a feminine form. She also portrayed with all ornaments and her vahana also same Lord Vishnu's Garuda vahana. Goddess Vaishnavi is depicted as seated in vahana with four hands holding lotus, conch, and sword.
Why Vaishnavi Homam?
Goddess Vaishnavi Homam is very essential to get relief from any sorts of dangerous things and this homam is well recommended for those who facing frequent of mishaps or misfortunes in life. Those who perform this homam of Goddess Vaishnavi are blessed with all kinds of auspiciousness in life.
Benefits and Significance of Vaishnavi Homam
Since Goddess Vaishnavi is depicted as a feminine form of Lord Vishnu the protector of whole universe the devotees are blessed with the grace of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Vaishnavi.By Performing this homam an individual get relief from all sorts of bad lucks in life.Helps to remove various kinds of hindrance or troubles in life.
Ideal Days to Perform this Homam
The most preferable days to perform Goddess Vaishnavi Homam are Wednesday and Friday apart from pournami to get better results.
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