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Guru Purnima Day Special - Maha Yagya for 18 Siddhar's
Scheduled on July 31st, at 6.00PM - 11PM IST
Vedicfolks going to conduct Eighteen Siddharkal Maha homam on Guru Purnima Day. It is considered to be very auspicious and favourable day for performing puja or worship Gurus. We invite you all to contribute and participate in this Guru Purnima day special Maha homam for 18 siddhar?s to get shower of blessing from them to brighten up your knowledge and wisdom to reach high level in your business and career.
Program Agenda:
Prathana, Ganesha Puja, Doopam Deepam Neyvetyam, Karpoora Aarthi/Deeparathana, Mantra Pushpham for Ganesha, Sankalpa to Ejamanars/Sponsors, Yadhasthanam, Kalasa Avahanams, Archana for Avahana Devadas, Doopam Deepam Neyvetyam Deeparathana, Rudram, Chamakam, Purusa Suktham, Narayana Suktham, Durga Suktham, Sri Suktham, Bhakya Suktham, Shanthi Panchakam, Pavamana Suktham, Ayusha Suktham, Moola Mantra Japa for 18 siddhars, Agni Invocation, Ganesha Homam, Parivara Devada Homam, Maha Homam for 18 siddhars, Doopam Deepam Neyvetyam Deeparathana, Namaskaram, Maha Purna Huthi, Kalasa Deeparathana/Maha Deeparathana, Mantra Pushpam, Yadhasthanam, Kalasa Purochanam/Holy Water, Maha Prasadams, Final Namaskaram Process/Blessings from Bramanas.
Who is Siddha?s?
A siddha / Siddhar is one who has achieved siddhi, i.e. "power, ability, quality, capacity", then a unique sort of psychic and extraordinary, phenomenal, mysterious force.
Significance of Eighteen Siddhar?s Maha Homam
The adoration or worship of Siddhars' is a valuable blessing to human by the Grace of the Divine Himself in light of the fact that it is the most simple and down to earth approach to charm us to an existence of noble living and dedication to God.
Benefits of performing this Homam
Knowledge thrives (Gyana raksha); Sorrow reduces (Dukha kshaya); Joy springs up with no reason (Sukha aavirbhava); plenty of wealth rises (Samriddhi); all endowments will be visible (Sarva samvardhan).
This is the best approach to achieve the 'Bhakti Margam' or 'The method for adoring commitment' to Godhead. This will likewise liberate from the cycle of conception and demise by empowering us to achieve unceasing life.
As the force of good deeds and goodness rises further, we will be honored with the learning to free ourselves from the ties of Maya and the various contaminations, specifically Egoism, Illusion and unfriendly impacts of past deeds or karma.
Eighteen Siddhar?s
The eighteen Siddhars are 1. Agastiyar, 2. Nandi Devar, 3. Thirumoolar, 4. Bhogar, 5. Konkanavar, 6. Macchamuni,7. Goraknath (Gorakkar), 8. Sattaimuni, 9. Sundaranandar, 10. Ramadevar, 11. Kudambai, 12. Karuvoorar, 13. Idaikadar, 14. Kamalamuni, 15. Valmiki,16. Pathanjali, 17. Dhanvanthri, 18.Pambatti
Agastiyar: The Agathiyar Siddhar is one of the First Siddhar among the 18 Siddhars,and we called him as Father of Siddha. Agathiyar Siddhar is supporter of Lord Shiva and he just begins the Siddhar's World and all the Siddhars are the devotee of him. He was initiated by Lord Shiva himself and his works incorporate medication, kaya kalpa, Tamil sentence structure and yoga.
Nandi Devar: Nandi Devar is one of the chief of the 18 yoga siddhas. He has been basically initiated by Lord Shiva himself and some of his commitments incorporate drug, kaya kalpa & Alchemy.
Thirumoolar: Thirumoolar is one of the 18 yoga siddhas and has been initiated by Nandi Devar and his commitments incorporate Yoga, beliefs. His "Thirumandiram" work is extremely famous among his works.
Bhogar: Bognathar who is otherwise called the Palani Malai Siddhar is one among the 18 yoga siddhas. He was initiated by Kalanginathar and Agastyar. He is an extraordinary chemist of all times. His commitments incorporate yoga, kaya kalpa, drug, speculative chemistry, characteristic sciences, logic and so forth. He is the person who has made and introduced the symbol of Lord Muruga in Palani malai sanctuary.
Konkanavar: Konkanavar is one of the 18 yoga siddhas initiated by Boganathar. His commitments incorporate 25 known works in pharmaceutical, yoga, rationality, religion and so on. He has more than 557 followers.
Macchamuni: Macchamuni who is otherwise called Matysendranath is one of the 18 yoga siddhas. He has been started by Agastyar, Punnakeesar and Pasundar. Some of his commitments incorporate 10 known deals with Hatha yoga, Tantric yogas and so on.
Goraknath: Goraknath is one of the 18 yoga siddhas in the "nath" custom and was initiated by Dattatreya (Vishnu), Macchamuni, Allama Prabu. Some of his commitments incorporate "Avadhuta Gita" and 13 different works, request of monkish life, pharmaceutical, alchemy, Hatha yoga pradipika fantastic and so on.
Sattaimuni: Sattamuni is one of the 18 yoga siddhas started by Nandi Devar & Dakshinamoorthy and his commitments incorporate 46 known works, drug, alchemy & and so forth.
Sundaranandar: Sundaranandar is one among 18 yoga siddhas and was initiated by Sattamuni & Konkanavar. Some of his commitments incorporate 24 known works: prescription, philosophy and so on.
Ramadevar: Ramadevar is one among 18 yoga siddhas and was initiated by Pulastiyar and Karuvoorar. He is otherwise called the mandira siddhar. Some of his works incorporate 24 known works: mantra shastra, prescription and so on.
Kudambai: Kudambai is one among 18 yoga siddhas and was initiated by Alukkani Siddha (supporter of Idai Kadar). Kudamabi siddhar's commitments included siddha Philosophy.
Karuvoorar: Karuvoorar is one of the 18 yoga siddhas. He was one of the eminient supporters of Boganathar subsequent to being started by him. He is famous for his commitment in developing the Tanjore sanctuary and other restorative works.
Idaikadar: Idai Kadar is one of the 18 yoga siddhas initiated by both Boganathar and Karuvoorar. His commitments incorporate two known works: Kaya kalpa.
Kamalamuni: Kamalamuni is one of the 18 yoga siddhas. He has achieved samadhi at Aarur (Tiruvarum). His commitments incorporate two known deals with pharmaceutical and beliefs.
Valmiki: Valmiki is one of the 18 yoga siddhas initiated by the immense sage Narada. He is all that much known for recording the epic works 'The Ramayana'.
Pathanjali: Patanjali is one of the 18 yoga siddhas initiated by Nandi Devar. He is known for his yoga sutras fantastic. He is otherwise called father of yoga.
Dhanvanthri: Dhanvanthri is one of the 18 yoga siddhas. He is known for his commitments on medication, alchemy, kaya kalpa, 22 known works
Pambatti: Paambatti was initiated by Sattamuni. His commitments incorporate siddha logic.
Facing any problem while booking your homam feel free to contact us : 044-42809973 (or) +919176777137
Note: conducting Live Soolini Durga Homam on the occasion of Aadi Perukku August 3rd 2015 at 6PM - 9PM IST. You will get special discount on Ordering Aadi Perukku ritual (Soolini Durga Homam) along with 18 Siddhar's Maha Homam by just clicking the additional Features:
Aadi Perukku Ritual Details:
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